Horse Riding & Horseback Tours

Kungey Alatau (3 day)
Three-days combined tour with off-road and easy horseback walking elements. The big advantage of such tour is that all exits are radial – staying in guest house you will have opportunity to see the most beautiful sceneries.
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Kungey Alatau (4 day)
Ideal option for experienced tourists. Nice horseback route which combines in itself simplicity, interest of unexplored places and staying in mountain hut with breathtaking view to the snowy peaks of Kungey-Alatau.
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Kungey Alatau (5 day)
Ideal route for those who want to visit middle lake Kolsai, but not in traditional way, where many tourist walk. Route goes along forgotten mountain roads, forests where traces of wild animals can be found.
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Kungey Alatau (6 day)
Excellent for the real adventure lovers, but not such experienced for climbing on steep rocky summits. Ideal for those who want to walk pair of tens kilometers on horseback with addiction of hiking.
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Kungey Alatau Horseback Tour (7 day)
Excellent tour for the real adventure lovers! Horseback trek around forgotten roads, mountaineering on the top of rocky peaks from which view to Khan-Tengri peak is opened. Unknown canyons and mountain trails…
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Horseback tour Dzhungar Alatau (6 days)
Not difficult for Dzhungar Alatau horseback trek. Suitable for those who have confident level of horse riding, love wild nature, tough trails and who are ready to overcome long distances on horseback and who have not so much time for adventures.
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Horseback tour Dzhungar Alatau (8 days)
This route for real adventure lovers, who want to ride further and higher. Totally wild places, where you will have many chances to meet wild animals, including bears. Cherry on the cake of this route is mountain lake, which shores only few tourists visited.
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Horseback tour Dzhungar Alatau (9 days)
Complete immersion into the wild environment. Long horse-ridings, steep slopes, meetings with wild animals. All this for true nature and adventure lovers, for those who get incredible pleasure from physical activity.
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