Private Day Tours in Aktau

Aktau Private City Tour (3 hours)
Aktau is the youngest and the most promising city in Western Kazakhstan. The city is really young, it was formed in 1961 of the last century. Despite its youth, there are quite a lot of interesting places in Aktau, associated with a no less interesting history of the city.
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Peninsula of Treasures Private Day Tour (8-10 hours)
What was the main landmark for seafarers in the Caspian Sea since ancient times? Why Zhygylgan landslide is called "Fallen Land"? What do round stones of the Valley of Balls store in their cores? The answers to these and other questions are waiting for you in this excursion.
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Mystery of Tyub-Karagan Private Day Tour (10-12 hours)
The most of the territory of Mangystau region is a desert, sung in the poems of hundreds of poets. Its sands, whispering under the touch of the wind, remember the far times. No wonder Mangystau has so many natural monuments of former times…
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